Excited and grateful to announce the restoration of our dearly beloved merch store in 2024! After closing shop in March of 2023 due to eCoNoMiC hArDsHiP, we’ve since switched to offering our uniquely designed products in “drops” instead of all year round. As much as we’d love to keep our store running 24/7, our bandwidth is limited to fulfilling orders in intermittent 2-week intervals.
Please note that most orders arrive between 7-10 business days and may come in separate packages. Thank you for your patience and understanding that this isn’t Amazon Prime; this is a website managed by a girl renting an apartment… a fellow sufferer of the capitalist dystopia… a foolish mortal making Clitoral Hoodies and Cum Towels to stay alive in this godforsaken hellscape. Fuck you Elon.
Words cannot express the extent of my appreciation for your ongoing love and support of our art.
Thank You, Come Again!
With love (and lust),
Sailor鄧Mel <3